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Contoh Soal Discussion Text SBMPTN dari Quipper Video

Contoh Soal Discussion Text SBMPTN dari Quipper Video

Quipperian, kalau berdasarakan pengertiannya dalam Bahasa Inggris, Discussion Text can be defined as “a text which present a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different point of views. Discussion is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.”

Nah, dari definisi tersebut, kita bisa pahami bahwa Discussion Text adalah Sebuah teks yang berisi sebuah diskusi atau berdebatan (wacana) dalam skala besar sehingga menimbulkan Pro dan kontra pada masyarakat dan khalayak orang banyak.

Dalam pembahasan Discussion Text kali ini, Quipper Video akan mencoba menggunakan Bahasa Inggris juga agar kalian bisa latihan memahami materi ini dengan lebih fasih lagi. Yuk latihan lebih jauh lagi tentang Discussion Text melalui Contoh Soal SBMPTN dari materi ini yang ada di Quipper Video. Bagi kamu yang belum berlangganan, yuk deh berlangganan!

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5 Contoh Soal Discussion Text SBMPTN dari Quipper Video

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 1

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 1


A discussion text consists of an issue and arguments for supporting and opposing sides. The issue is already stated, then we can confirm that the next sentence will discuss arguments about the issue, which are the pros and cons of smartphones.

Jawaban: Option 4

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 2

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 1


As you have learned, discussion text tells information and opinion about an issue. The opinion consist of supporting and opposing argument.

The benefit of nuclear power plant for life is not a suitable topic for discussion text, because it only elaborates one perspective which is pros.

The use of nuclear power plant endangers human life is not a suitable topic for discussion text, because it also only elaborates one perspective which is cons.

How nuclear power plants produce clean and save energy is not a good topic, because it is topic for explanation text.

Many countries in Europe start using nuclear power plants. This sentence is suitable for news item text, not discussion.

The advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants is the most suitable topic for discussion text. It gives two argument that oppose each other (advantages and disadvantages).

Jawaban: Option 4

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 3

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 1



The sentence state that marriage has a beneficial effect on men. Study and comprehend each argument to know what it supports. There are word such burden, dissatisfaction, unhappy, suffer, and depression indicate that the argument is opposing the main sentence. Thus, the most suitable supporting sentence is Compared to single men of the same age group, married men enjoy better physical and mental health.

Jawaban: Option number 1

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 4

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor



One of language features of discussion text is the use of conjunction. A conjunction is a word that connect parts of the sentence. We can see the last sentence use conjunction not only. To complete the sentence into a good logic, the right phrase to fill the blank is but also.

Jawaban: Option number 1

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 5

Contoh Soal Discussion Text Nomor 1


To answer this question, first you have to spot the issue and the stance of each the sentence. Once you analyzed the sentence, you will find out whether it is a supporting or opposing argument.

In most developed countries, many people choose not to marry while some other still hold traditional value to have a marriage life.

● The topic is marriage; the statement is an opposing argument.

The excessive use of smartphones will raise one’s ignorance to their surrounding which can be dangerous.

● The topic is smartphones; it is an opposing argument.

Men who drink a lot of alcohol may have higher chance of having children with physical and mental problems.

● The topic is drinking alcohol; the statement is an opposing argument.

We cannot deny the fact that there are accidents caused by the explosion of nuclear power plant.

● The topic is nuclear power plant; the statement is an opposing argument.

Most of men who drink, argue that alcohol helps them to keep their body warm in extreme climate.

● The topic is drinking alcohol; the statement is a supporting argument. This is the right answer.

Jawaban: Option number 4

Begitulah Quipperian! Soal-soal mengenai discussion text di atas adalah soal-soal yang diambil langsung dari Quipper Video, lho. Soal-soal tersebut juga soal-soal yang diambil oleh tim Quipper Video untuk persiapan SBMPTN di Paket Intensif SBMPTN 2018! Semakin seru kan jika menjawab soal dari Quipper Video ini? Yuk buruan berlangganan Quipper Video jika belum, ya! Kalau kalian masih penasaran seperti apa sih belajar online menggunakan Quipper Video itu, kalian bisa tonton video di bawah ini.

Penulis: Sritopia

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