Ini Dia Kisi-Kisi Soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN 2017!

Quipperian, tidak terasa SBMPTN sebentar lagi akan berlangsung. Bukan hanya sekadar persiapan yang matang, tubuh kamu pun harus selalu fit supaya bisa beraktivitas. Tes SBMPTN biasanya terdiri dari Tes Kemampuan dan Potensi Akademik (TKPA), Tes Kemampuan Dasar Sains dan Teknologi (TKD Saintek), Tes Kemampuan Dasar Sosial dan Humaniora (TKD Soshum), dan Tes Keterampilan (Fisik).

Nah, dari Tes Kemampuan dan Potensi Akademik nanti akan ada juga tes Bahasa Inggris yang perlu kamu pahami benar-benar. Soalnya memang tidak banyak, biasanya hanya 15 nomor. Tetapi Quipperian, soal SBMPTN dari tahun ke tahun ini selalu menerapkan soal cerita. Maka, kamu harus paham betul apa isi dan maksud dari teks cerita supaya bisa menjawab soalnya. So, jenis pertanyaan seperti apa saja sih yang sering keluar di soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN? Check this out!

Informasi Lengkap dan Contoh Soal SBMPTN TKPA 2016 Lengkap dengan Pembahasannya!

Berikut 2 Jenis Pertanyaan yang Pasti Keluar

Sebelum latihan soal, ada baiknya kamu tahu dulu jenis pertanyaan yang pasti keluar dalam soal ujian SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris, Quipperian. Sebenarnya kalau diperhatikan, soal-soal yang ada di SBMPTN hanya punya 2 jenis pertanyaan, yakni eksplisit dan implisit.

Eksplisit merupakan pertanyaan yang gamblang alias kamu bisa menemukan jawabannya langsung di teks, sedangkan implisit adalah pertanyaan yang mengharuskan kamu untuk benar-benar mengerti teks karena jawabannya tidak ada langsung di teks. 

Kita latihan soal yang mudah dulu, ya, supaya kalian bisa mengerti nantinya Quipperian.

This is a story about a girl named Amy. Amy lives in a small village called Rusunawa City. She is 17 years old and right now is a senior high school student. Amy loves reading book, especially Harry Potter. Because she reads a lot, she has a dream to explore the world. She doesn’t wanna live her whole life in her village. So, when she graduated from high school, she wants to continue her education abroad. She’s so happy when finally she got accepted in Finland University.


The paragraph following the passage will likely talk about …

A. story about a girl named Amy

B. story about small village

C. what author think about education

D. Amy’s dreams

E. Amy’s problems

Jawaban: A

Teks di atas merupakan contoh soal eksplisit. Sama seperti Bahasa Indonesia, cara mudah untuk menjawab ini adalah dengan mengingat jenis paragraf deduktif atau induktif. Kamu bisa membaca kalimat pertama atau terakhir untuk mencari tahu garis besar apa yang dibicarakan dalam teks.


What is the author’s intention towards topic of the passage?

A. Happy

B. Worried

C. Concerned

D. Critical

E. Unhappy

Jawaban: A

Teks di atas merupakan contoh soal implisit. Dari soal cerita tersebut, penulis hendak menyampaikan rasa bahagianya atas gadis bernama Amy karena sudah berhasil menggapai cita-citanya.

Nah Quipperian, baru deh sekarang kita coba dengan soal ‘the next level’ yakni soal yang diambil dari SBMPTN 2016. Baca dengan teliti dan baik soal di bawah ini, ya.

According to the latest New York Times poll, most Americans are troubled by performance-enhancing drugs, which they believe are widely used by the nation’s athletes. The public believes that professional athletes in major American sports leagues use steroids to a greater degree than American Olympic athletes do. But the prospect of achievement through illicit means in the Winter and Summer Olympics is more troubling. Also, younger Americans are much less troubled by drug use in sports and believe it to be more widespread than do Americans age 30 and above. After recent revelations about the use of performance-enhancing drugs in football. baseball, and track-and-field, 43 percent of those polled said they believe that at least half of professional athletes in the United States use steroids. In comparison, 18 percent of those surveyed said they believe that at least half of American Olympic athletes use banned performance-enhancing substances.

While 61 percent of Americans said they were bothered by the use of steroids among professional athletes. 75 percent said they were concerned about the use of performance-enhancing drugs among Olympic athletes. This response seem to be based partly on the ideal that American Olympic spoils are purer than professional sports, and on the widely held belief that Olympic athletes are still amateurs. “The Olympics are pure and clean,” Jason Mannino, 32, a tax assessor, said. “We want these kids to be all on the same playing field. A lot of these kids are trying to make a name for themselves purely on their athletic ability, and they are not getting high-dollar contracts to perform. They are performing out of pride for the country and out of pride for getting a gold medal.” In fact, the Olympics have been open to professionals since the late 1980‟s. And most of the drug scandals in recent years have involved sports related to the Olympics.


The paragraph following the passage will likely talk about ….

A. drug use by Olympic athletes.

B. the opinions of young people and those above 30.

C. what the surveyor think about drug use.

D. what is being done about the problem.

E. what the problems will lead to.

Jawaban: A

Dari teks cerita di atas adalah contoh soal SBMPTN jeis eksplisit yang keluar. Sama seperti Bahasa Indonesia, cara mudah untuk menjawab ini adalah dengan mengingat jenis paragraf deduktif atau induktif. Kamu bisa membaca kalimat pertama atau terakhir untuk mencari tahu garis besar apa yang dibicarakan dalam teks.


What is the author’s attitude towards topic of the passage?

A. Tolerant.

B. Unhappy.

C. Worried.

D. Critical

E. Unconcerned.

Jawaban: C

Dari teks cerita di atas adalah contoh soal SBMPTN jeis implisit yang keluar. Dari soal tersebut, penulis jelas secara implisit menyatakan kekhawatirannya akan penggunaan steroid dan obat-obatan di kalangan para atlet, baik nasional maupun profesional.

Ini Dia Informasi SBMPTN 2017 Paling Lengkap!


Which of the following is the best summary of the passage?

A. Most Americans are worried about the widespread us of steroids among athletes and they believed that professional athletes used more drugs than American Olympic athletes do, but the fact that the latter make use of drugs made many more concerned.

B. Many Americans are worried about the fact that many professional American athletes were using drugs; however, they did not think that Olympic athletes used steroids because they were not playing for the money, but for their country.

C. Some Americans are bothered about the widespread use of drugs among athletes, both professional and Olympic athletes and they believed the latter should not be taking the drugs.

D. Although many Americans believed that at least half of the professional athletes used drugs they don’t believe that Olympic athletes use them because they are still amateurs.

E. Most Americans are worried about the widespread use of drugs among professional as well as national athletes.

Jawaban: A

Karena ini adalah jenis soal implisit, jadi jawaban tidak langsung ada di dalam teks. Kamu harus mengerti betul soalnya dan menyimpulkan sendiri. Nah, dari beberapa pilihan di atas, jawaban A yang merangkum soal teks di atas.

Bagaimana, Quipperian? Sudah siap menghadapi SBMPTN TPA Bahasa Inggris? Semangat ya!

Penulis: Rosalia

Lainya Untuk Anda

Pengetahuan & Pemahaman Umum – Author’s Attitude and Opinion

Tak Usah Galau, Ini Dia Ragam Cara Hadapi Soal HOTS Bahasa Inggris!

Yuk, Latihan Contoh Soal TKPA Bahasa Inggris Ini Biar SBMPTN Kamu Sukses!