Pelajaran Kelas Berapa yang Keluar di Soal SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris?

Bagi kamu yang melanjutkan pendidikan di bangku kuliah, kamu harus bisa lolos melewati SBMPTN, Quipperian. Nantinya, di SBMPTN ini kamu akan diuji dengan beberapa mata pelajaran sesuai dengan bidang yang kamu pilih, apakah IPA, IPS atau IPC. Nah, apapun pilihanmu, kamu pasti akan diuji dengan materi TPA, Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika.

Pembahasan kali ini adalah tentang materi SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris Quipperian. Sama seperti Bahasa Idonesia, Bahasa Inggris juga dinilai sulit oleh beberapa peserta SBMPTN. Hal itu dikarenakan soal-soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN yang panjang dan memiliki jawaban yang hampir mirip sehingga membuat peserta SBMPTN bingung menentukan jawaban yang tepat.

Tapi, sesusah apapun soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN, soal-soal tersebut didesain untuk bisa dijawab dengan mudah olehmu. Kamu hanya perlu belajar lebih giat lagi dan banyak berlatih latihan soal. Model soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN ini berupa reading passage dimana semua soal berupa sebuah teks yang akan diikuti oleh beberapa pertanyaan yang jawabannya ada di dalam teks. Pertanyaannya bermacam-macam, Quipperian, yang terpenting adalah kamu mampu mengidentifikasi teks. Ada juga pertanyaan yang menguji perbendaharaan katamu. Kamu bisa belajar soal-soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN dari materi reading yang ada di kelas X, XI maupun XII SMA.

Tips Paling Mudah Mengerjakan Soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN 2016!

Contoh soal SBMPTN Bahasa Inggris

The protozoans, minute aquatic creatures, each of which consist of a single Cell of protoplasm, constitute a classification of the most primitive forms of animal life. The very name protozoan indicates the scientific understanding of the animals. Proto‐ means first or primitive, and zoa refers to animals. They are fantastically diverse, but three major groups may be identified on the basis of their motility. The Mastigophora have one or more long tails that they use to propel themselves forward. The Ciliata, which use the same basic means for locomotion as the Mastighopora, have a large number of short tails. The Sarcodina, which include amoebae, float or row themselves about on their crusted bodies.

In addition to their form of movement, several other features discriminate among the three groups of protozoans. For example, at least two nuclei per cell have been identified in the Ciliata, usually a large nucleus that regulates growth but decomposes during reproduction, and a smaller one that contains the genetic code necessary to generate the large nucleus.

Chlorophyll, which is green substance encountered in plants, is found in the bodies of some protozoans. Enabling them to make some of their own food from water and carbon dioxide. Protozoans are not considered plants but animals, because unlike pigmented plants to which some protozoans are otherwise almost identical, they do not live on simple organic compounds. Their cell demonstrates all of the major characteristics of the cells of higher animals, such as eating, breathing, and reproducing.

Many species of protozoans collect into colonies, physically connected to one another and responding uniformly to outside stimulate. Current research into this phenomenon along with investigations carried out with advanced microscopes may necessitate a redefinition of what constitutes protozoans, even calling into question the basic premise that they have only one cell. Nevertheless, with the current data available, almost 40.000 species of protozoans have been identified. No doubt, as technology improves methods of observation, better models of classification of these simple singles cells will be proposed.

What topic is the passage primarily concerned?

Colonies of Protozoans

  1. Mastigophora
  2. Motility in Protozoans
  3. Characteristic of Protozoans
  4. A single Cell of protoplasm
  5. What is protoplasm?
  6. A class of protozoans
  7. The substance that forms the cell of a protozoan
  8. A primitive animal similar to a protozoan
  9. An animal that developed from a protozoan
  10. A protozoa-like animal
  11. What does the author mean by the statement “They are fantastically diverse, but three major groups may be identified on the basis of the motility”?
  12. The three major groups are unique in that they all move in the same manner.
  13. Everything we know about the protozoans is tied into their manner of movement
  14. The manner of movement is critical when classifying the three major groups of protozoa
  15. Mobility in the protozoans is insignificant
  16. There are three major group of protozoas are identified


Gimana Quipperian? Kamu sudah paham kan model reading passage yang nantinya akan jadi model soal Bahasa Inggris SBMPTN? Dengan sering berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal seperti ini, dijamin kamu tidak akan kesusahan saat nanti menghadapi SBMPTN.

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